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Thank you all for your unwavering support, love and selflessness, in this journey of healing, grieving and healing, with me. I am grateful for each and every one of you. You are loved and appreciated everyday, I could not have asked for a more perfect family. I love you deeply, with all our imperfections. Thank you.
You have been an incredible support throughout, know you are truly appreciated and loved. Thank you for standing by my side with every choice I have made for our family. I am grateful for your unfaltering trust. Thank you.
Thank you for introducing me to functional medicine as a Medical doctor you have excelled in true honest medicine. Thank you for directing me to holistic healing.
Thank you for introducing me to ABA and how learning through play can really benefit children like my Son who blossomed with the intervention you taught. It still about consistency!! Thank you.
Thank you for requesting all the biomedical tests to evaluate my sons genetic workup, interpreting and identifying the toxins and methylation issues he was facing. Thank you for steering me in the right direction to address the underlying mitochondrial challenges in his system with the correct supplements and dosages.
Dr Robert Your book Disconnected Kids has helped me understand Functional Disconnection Syndrome. Your research has enabled me to help my son faster with more knowledge we are empowered. Thank you for providing all parents with this knowledge. We met last year in Greece with some of the most brilliant minds, and I am excited to becoming c
Dr Robert Your book Disconnected Kids has helped me understand Functional Disconnection Syndrome. Your research has enabled me to help my son faster with more knowledge we are empowered. Thank you for providing all parents with this knowledge. We met last year in Greece with some of the most brilliant minds, and I am excited to becoming certified in your program by December 2019. Thank you for inspiring me to be the best version of me.
To my first true LOVE, my firstborn son, Dani, you have been my greatest teacher, of loving unconditionally and teaching me how to learn. Thank you my great Genius Son you are my greatest inspiration and have taught me to be more understanding, caring, tolerant and accepting. The greatest gift you gave me was hope, to never give up and to
To my first true LOVE, my firstborn son, Dani, you have been my greatest teacher, of loving unconditionally and teaching me how to learn. Thank you my great Genius Son you are my greatest inspiration and have taught me to be more understanding, caring, tolerant and accepting. The greatest gift you gave me was hope, to never give up and to continue searching for answers to how the body and brain truly connect and heal. Keep moving my son and keep shining your light. Love you to infinity and beyond.
Dr Daz, you are a special kind of human, one of my favourites, you have helped me help my son in more ways than you know. I was extremely tired from all the research, biomedical intervention, functional medicine, homeopathy, dietary changes and functional neurology and chiropractic. I came across you at one of your seminars, and I knew I
Dr Daz, you are a special kind of human, one of my favourites, you have helped me help my son in more ways than you know. I was extremely tired from all the research, biomedical intervention, functional medicine, homeopathy, dietary changes and functional neurology and chiropractic. I came across you at one of your seminars, and I knew I was there to meet you. You have worked hard with my son and have been instrumental in his healing. I am so thankful to you for giving me time to be a mother and not just my son’s doctor. Heartfelt gratitude.
You were the first person I called and shared the dreaded diagnosis of the A word. As always my friend you reassured me and supported me when I felt like I was a failure a parent, and as a doctor. Thank you for researching and directing me to Dr Robin. Thank you dear friend.
I am deeply grateful for your generosity with your time in adjusting and caring for each of my sons. Thank you making their little journey here more comfortable. You are a great man with so much to teach, I am most grateful to you. Thank you to a living Legend.
Dr Steve what an amazing paediatric chiropractor and inspiring individual you are. Adjusting my children and the first in advising me on nutrition and supplements. You are a brilliant educator and it has been a honour to have had you adjust and heal my family. Thank you.
I see you in every child I see, I live your little lives everyday by sharing your story and helping others with a sense of urgency. I love you my little angels, my little poppet and little khenny, until we meet again. In your passing, you gave life to my purpose and mission in life. I promise to honour you in service of others particularly children. Thank you providing me with this gift.
Thank you for my first introduction into how functional neurology can help children, through using the Tinsilly house protocol. Within 8 months my son was dry throughout the night and started babbling and repeating words. I am most grateful for being introduced to you by my trusted friend and colleague. Thank you.
Dr Dorte your book Switched on kids really resonated with me, thank you for sharing your own story and teaching us in more detail about the primitive reflexes. Thank you for supporting fellow chiropractors like me in becoming more proficient in helping our paediatric population. Thank you.
Thank you for helping me start the detoxification of my son through your specialised remedies. I have to be honest initially I was very sceptical but after two days of taking the remedies my sons constipation improved significantly. Thank you for opening my eyes to this form of healing.
Thank you for overlooking the diet for my son and encouraging me to continue with the diet and Epsom salt baths. Thank you for your expertise.
To my little princess Zoya my rainbow baby. You bring me a JOY I cannot express. You are my heart and I love you with every cell of my being. Thank you for reminding me how to love again.
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